Friday, August 29, 2014

7 months?!


I fell off the blogging bandwagon hard core.

Last 7 months as a recap:

Tax season came and went.

Spenny completed Kindergarten.

We had a fun summer--Tball, Blast ball, Icub games, ice cream, birthdays, weddings, etc.

School has started again.

Spencer is a 1st grader. FIRST GRADE! He has now lost 4 teeth and is 4 feet tall. He is reading well, is a math WHIZ (seriously, he does multiplication already!) and is such a happy, fun, boy. He's really into playing his video games, reading the Fly Guy books and learning how to do things around the house--taking Lola out, doing dishes, fixing his breakfast and purple breads. He enjoys hiking and playing at the park and is REALLY into Pokemon.

Emerson started pre-school. He is 40 inches tall, wants to do everything his brother does, is very independent, smart and hilarious. He loves music, dancing, painting, play dough and cutting "poopons" with Mommy. He loves to help with everything--fixing dinner, setting the table, putting laundry away. He likes to read books and tells stories. He really loves ice cream and cheese. Sidewalk chalk is a huge hit and we like to play Hop Scotch as a family.

I decided to stop wishing I would have went to law school and to do something about it. I enrolled in the Paralegal Certificate program at DMACC. I'm only taking one class at a time so it will pretty much take forever to get done, but I'll get there. I've had one class so far and I think it's going to be a fun, interesting class...Legal Research and Writing I. I get to spend time at the Drake Law Library and write papers and learn legal things that will help me at work as well. Oh, and work is paying for it too.

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